Tutoring Courses
Book any of our thorough and extensive online courses any day of the week at a time that suits you. Once you have purchased the course, you will receive an email shortly after to discuss your online lesson(s). All lessons are 1 on 1, completely flexible with your needs, and taken by myself, Reuben Cordina. For any queries, please email me at reubencordina@gmail.com.
Our Courses
Bespoke UCAT Tutoring
This is an online 1 on 1 UCAT training course, with a UCAT expert, for any or all of the UCAT sections at only £25 an hour. Once requested, we will discuss the sections you would like mentoring on. Become one of the many students who achieve 3000+ under our tutoring.
Bespoke Interview Coaching
We have produced a complete masterclass to help you ace your interviews for medicine. This can be tailored to a traditional interview, MMI, or group interview style, depending on the universities you are applying to. Join many of our other students in getting all four medicine offers!
Mock Interview
Whether a mock MMI or a traditional interview, we have produced 1 on 1 online mocks tailored exactly to your needs. From only £35, we will run a 1 hour interview, and provide 30 minutes of feedback, Q&A, and additional support.
Not Quite Sure Yet?
For a free 15 minute chat about UCAT or interviews, email me at reubencordina@gmail.com.